happy to the birthday

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

{photo credit: me}

i interrupt my regularly scheduled postings to bring you this.

today is my mom's birthday and she deserves her own post. she is the most genuine person i know, and i love her for all that she is and all that she inspires me to be. she loves her husband, her kids, and her friends fiercely. she's always happy, always silly, always creative. if she weren't my mom, she'd probably be my competition. she's just good at everything.

i love you, mom. have the most wonderful of birthdays!


  1. ay, dear daughter, you make me so humble(although i was checking for a blog about me early this morning) your words say more about you than me, you always see the good in people and always show grace and kindness. to be honest, i enjoy driving you crazy a little and instilling the fear in you that we are a lot alike. except you are younger, prettier and have a more creative spirit. i love being your mom and thanks with love , girlie girl.

    1. you amaze me. now come treat me to lunch.


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