feeling groovy

Thursday, March 22, 2012

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it's technically thursday, but it's my friday, and i've got that feel-good, happy, fuzzy, excited, groovy feeling. today is also my friend liz's birthday, and we're going out for fancy dinner at the melting pot.

{photo credit: me}

i'm THIS excited, and not just because it means we're wearing heels and eating until our stomachs are fat and happy but because i love celebrating my dear friend's birthday!

when i first met liz, she was this fast talking, sassy, hilarious, northern girl. she was sooooo cooooool. now, she's one of my good friends, and i can't believe i used to be intimidated by her. she quotes disney movies, people. in conversation. on a regular basis. 

despite her nerdiness (or perhaps because of it), i love her much much, and i'm thankful for her in my life. happy birthday, lizzie!

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