the lovely list. part sixteen.

Monday, February 18, 2013

{photo credit: me}

guglhupf. hard to say, easy to love. i can't say enough good things about this place mainly because my mouth is full from all of the delicious things they make to eat and drink. even if i tried to talk with my mouth full of one of their apple streusel tartlets, it would probably come out as "guglhupf" anyways.

{photo credit: me}

saturday morning writing in mismatched christmas pajamas. i am such a catch.

{photo credit: me}

my roommate bought a juicer a couple of weeks ago, and we have used it. 
here's proof. 

{photo credit: me and new friend}

hiking at eno river state park with some friends from my small group. the day was so gorgeous!

{photo credit: me}

cheap (but delicious) mexican food followed homemade by milkshakes with my friend ryan. our friendship is based largely on our shared love of food. it's what works. 

{photo credit: me}

slingshot coffee. pretty tasty, but i only bought it because the lady was handing out free samples, and i felt compelled to support her. i couldn't afford to make a habit of this. i have other things on my weekly shopping list that are a little more important. like the bag of cookies that was in my other hand at checkout. 

{photo credit: me}

my new warby parker glasses! too bad i'm so blind that i can't see out of them properly. blind as a flippin bat. off they go, back to the land of cute glasses. buh-bye. 

ok, your turn! what's lovely ya'll?


  1. i want your life, absolutely adorable. and whois that cute fellar in the first picture?

  2. omg those glasses are too cute. love them. I kinda wanna rock them! But I don't need glasses *sigh*

    and a juicer... i think i'm partial to smoothies... something about juicing things kinda weird me out. Is that weird?

    1. i loved them! but, alas, it was not meant to be. sad day. good thing i have carrot ginger juice to lift my spirits.

  3. Ooo, looks like you had a great weekend! That iced coffee looks soo good! I love black iced cofee. Mmm hmm, I do!

  4. 1. your brother is absolutely ridiculously cute.
    2. that slingshot bottle is the coolest. i hope you kept it.
    3. i love your glasses. what is wrong with them?

    the end.

    1. 1. he is super adorbs. agreed.
      2. i did keep it. i like to place it on the counter and gaze at it.
      3. i loved them, too. my vision is so bad that i felt like i was walking around in a bubble and couldn't focus for the life of me. and then i tried to drive in them. danger.



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