california recap

Monday, October 27, 2014

{photo credit: me}

we are home from california! what a great, busy, fun trip we had. we packed a lot of activities and adventures into our week long stay. i think we were in a different city almost every day! we stayed in san jose with friends of his but spent time in pacific grove, monterey, carmel, santa cruz, and san francisco. san jose is in close proximity to some really cool cities which is why we were able to take so many day trips.

i think my favorite day was our afternoon/evening in san francisco. we played disc golf in golden gate park, ate street style tacos at tacolicious, went climbing at planet granite with friends of his, ate more mexican food for dinner and walked to chile pies for homemade pie milkshakes. when your day involves eating mexican food for two of your three meals, you win. drop your mic and leave the stage.

dan lived in the san jose area for a year after college and made some really great, solid friends during his time there. it was really nice to meet all of the guys i've heard so many stories about and see him interact with them. even though it's been several years since his time out there, the main group of guys still keeps in regular contact which is really neat. it's hard to find those kinds of friends.

all in all, our trip was really great, and my heart really does belong out west i do believe. if in a month from now i announce i'm moving closer to the pacific, don't be surprised.

{photo credit: dan}

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{photo credit: dan}


  1. What a fun trip! California is so beautiful - I would love to explore it one day!

    1. Parts of California are so brown and dry-not what people picture when they think of California. But some parts are GORGEOUS. Fortunately, we spent a lot of time in the pretty parts! Lots of greenery and ocean views. You guys need to visit for sure!


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