blackberry blackberry

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

{photo credit: me}

dan and i took a day trip home to see my family in southern pines this past saturday and had a lovely time. my parents have a little garden in their yard as well as a blueberry and blackberry bush. neither berry is quite ripe (maybe a couple more weeks?), but now i can't stop thinking of blackberry desserts! do you guys have any favorite blackberry recipes? or even another kind of berry dessert that you like to make? here are a few that sound quite delicious to me.

blackberry oatmeal crumble bars

chocolate blackberry cake

cherry, blackberry, and almond crisp

blackberry cheesecake

lemon blackberry tart

summer fruits, make my dreams come true.


  1. Blackberries are the best! They grow kind of wild (read: invasive species, haha) around here so I'm lucky to have some bushes to pluck off of nearby. Unfortunately, they're not even close to being ripe! :) All of those recipes thought sound amazing and I can't wait to check them all out and pin them all, too.

    p.s. I was just catching up on your blog and that maxi dress you're wearing in the art museum post(?) is adorable! Is it from Target?

    1. when are they going to turn the blackest of black and be ready for my grubby fingers?? i want them noooowwww. i guess this gives me more time to collect recipes. :-) yes, the maxi dress is from target, and i have been telling everyone they must buy one. it is the most comfortable dress. it has the perfect amount of stretch, too. (read: very forgiving after a large dinner).

  2. Mmmmmm blackberry oatmeal crumble bars sound like heaven. Fresh summer fruit just tastes exactly like summer doesn't it? When I was a little girl I would go in my grandma's backyard and eat fresh raspberries right from the bushes. Nothing was ever so sweet. Thanks for being back such great memories, darling :)

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. i love this memory! picking berries is a must-do activity in the sweet summertime. we used to pick blueberries a lot when i was younger. we would go to this one patch that was run on the honor system. there was like this birdhouse with a slot in it and you just paid based on what you picked. nobody was around to actually weigh your berries. they just trusted you to pay. kind of makes me all misty eyed and sentimental thinking about it.

    2. Now THAT is a gorgeous little memory. That memory tastes like childhood. :)

  3. All of these sound SO delicious! My grandmother has a garden where she grows raspberries and blackberries and she always makes the best pies with them! That's one thing I want her to teach me- her awesome pie-making skills :) If you try out any of these recipes let us know how they turn out!

    1. you know that your grandma's recipes for pies are probably the best thing you will ever eat! recipes that are so tried and true like that are way better than anything you can ever find on pinterest. :-) oh, and yes i will definitely share my desserts with you guys!


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